Sengkaling Amusement Park is located in Raya Mulyoagung Street No.188, Dau district, Malang Regency around 10km from the main city. It is in the strategic location to be accessed by both personal and public transportations due of the arena that is right on the edge of the Malang - Batu highway. Sengkaling Amusement Park in Malang is a family tourism spot which provides many kinds of rides for pleasuring the tourists such as playground, land and water rides, multipurpose building, and swimming pools. It is in accordance with its slogan,Wisata Air Impian Keluarga or aquatic park family dream. The land is about 9 hectares, which around 6 hectares of it included fresh park and trees. The amusement park is opened from 06.00 until 17.00 WIB in order to give freedom for the public and family who want to visit and enjoy the park.
In 1950, the park was found by the Dutchman called Mr Coolman. The park also had been cared for a moment by Mochtar from Padang which was always closed in Friday. The park was finally moved to PT. Benteol Group in 1975 and now is under PT. Taman Bentoel which is one of the Benteol Group’s company branches managing tourism services in the form of amusement park. In the first operation, the park was specially opened for PT Benteol’s employees only. However by its development, the park finally is available for public. The park brings more excellence quality facilities than other parks. One of them is the water which is come directly from natural sources in mountains. The rumor that has been said is one of the sources came from Tirta Alam Pool (Kolam Air Tirta) which is believed by the public can make people look stay young.
Raya Mulyoagung Street No. 188 Malang
Raya Mulyoagung Street No. 188 Malang
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